Thursday, September 4, 2008

The long awaited photos of my past. If you are unsure of why these are being posted, read post from a few days ago and hopefully it all makes sense at time

Sunday afternoon at Ma Weekes, following the third place game at McQuad's in Bismarck, ND. This is a group of beat up, beat down guys that just played 4 or 5 games in about 100 degree heat, after drinking all night on Saturday and getting minimal sleep. Oh the days of softball. (I am the guy in the middle with my head down, making sure my feet are still on my body)

A photo from 2005, me getting ready for my first race; Door County Sprint. The race that started it all for me. I had no idea what I was getting into, laughed and pointed at the funny helmets, spandex suits, shaved legs on guys and odd looking bikes. WOW, have the times changed for this guy.

Capt Jack's Prior Lake 2 Miler. What a day this turned out to be. Had a great late season swim with 2 great current friends and met 2 new ones as well. Notice "Super Stud Jim" sans wetsuit. Hes kind of a big deal!!!

21st b-day. I was living on the U of M Campus for an internship to finish school. A very interesting 9 months of my life. Take some small city kid, that thinks he has every thing figured out, and put him in the city. At least I survived.

And than there is this little fatty. Ive been told that they had to tape the refrigerator shut, otherwise I would eat until i was sick. I am 3 in this photo. Again, I apparently just finished eating an entire chocolate cake, and my parents felt it more important to get a photo than a wash cloth to clean me. Come on, I'm 3, help a brother out. I noticed this at work today, for those that really know me, I always have 2 shirts on.....I guess that started early in life.

1 comment:

The RynO said...

Sometimes I think it's a pain in the ass taking pictures. Then I look at these and realize how great it is to document life in a snapshot. That's all this really is anyway, might as well have the proof...

Thanks for posting. 2 shirts...ha ha!