Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Splash-n-Dash Fun

As I rolled out of bed, okay off the couch this morning and looked at the clock; 5 AM. Thats pretty early. Only a few weeks ago it the sun would have been coming up, shinning in the big picture window as Jack warmed his lazy butt on the back of the couch. Now, its dark, cool and almost the end of summer. But alas, off to Cedar Lake I go.

I pack my shoes, goggles and even remember a towel this time. I am meeting the crew for our workout. When I get to the beach, Dennis is already there. YES, someone else crazy enough to get up and do this with me. Than Sara, Nick, Shelley (riding her bike) and John all show up. As we stand around getting warmed up, only John and Dennis are doing the splash-n-dash with me. So I load their shoes into a bag, steal Shelley's bike, its clearly built for the vertically challenged folks in the world, and I pedal off to the opposing beach. Now this is a lake I have swam in about 100 times, maybe not, but a bunch of times. I have ran and rode the trails that surround the lake as well. This morning I managed to get lost trying to find the beach. You'd think that for a public park they would put up a sign. After a few wrong truns I get to the water again, set up the 6 pairs of shoes (2 pair per person) and back to the starting beach. The water was warm, really warm so no wettie for me!! Actually no one was in a wetsuit this morning.

Both of the swims went well, as did the runs. The 2nd set I drafted off of Dennis, yes he slowed down so I could draft and John followed me. We made good time to the other side and did the last run in a pack and chatted as we covered the roughly mile trip back to the starting point. This is probably one of my more enjoyable workouts. I think because I seldom do it, its way different than the normal style bricks I do and it forces me to get my legs going right out of the water, which I struggle with.
I was able to get the Lake Minnetonka 5 mile swim photos to upload tonight too, hope you enjoy
Jim smiling for us during his swim
Jen, me and Jim having a coffee after the race (Jim finished 8th overall, nice job buddy!!)
Jen taking a photo of her an I paddling; I think Jim was swimming nearby


Sara said...

We were wondering what took you so long to get back from dropping off the shoes!

Shannon said...

Great post. I was about to hop in the car to come find you. I thought you crashed or something :). Missed at swimming this morning. It was a light crowd today. I won't be there on Friday so I'll see you Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Two posts in two days?! It's almost too much Marky-Mark!

Love the pics! Sounds like great times. I'm not going to go on and on about being jealous...all I am going to say it I just need to move to MN!!!!

juliemac said...

The splash and dash sounds like fun. Hopefully I can make the next one!! I am not ready for it to be dark in the mornings......summer is coming to an end....so sad.