Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Weekend

I was back in Wiskee (WI) for the weekend with my entire family. Unfortunately Rach was unable to join in the fun, she was stuck working her last holiday and weekend shift prior to shipping out to NC. I got to town on Thursday mid-morning, took Jackster to the vet to have his stitches removed and than promptly to the ER to have stitches put into my Grandma.She slammed her finger in the service door of the garage and needed to be sewn up. If its my blood or injury I am fine, anyone else, that's a different story. My mom sat in the ER room with Grandma whilst the Dr did his thing.
Nolan playing on an empty pool
After Thursday afternoon the rest of the weekend was pretty enjoyable. I got a great 3+ hour ride in on Friday morning. It was nice to get out of the concrete/asphalt jungle that I live in now. I took a bunch of country roads where the trees formed a nice canopy over the road and just spun at a good pace. Its always fun to have animals running around in the ditches and deer crossing in front of you. I really really miss those kinds of rides and was in my own little world while I rolled around the country-side.

My brother and his 2 kids, as well as my sister and her 3 kids got into town during the mid afternoon on Friday. We had a great time sitting around and getting caught up with everyone. am trying to remember, but I am pretty sure the last time I saw everyone was during our Christmas trip in January. We are close family so that's a really long time a part.
Merrick just hanging out
Saturday morning came, I got up, had some water and Tylenol; and went back to bed. I was little foggy in the head, but it was my own fault for continuing to drink on Friday when i should have stopped. But I was in Wisconsin, that's what us Wisconsinites do; we also like cheese. I play into the stereo-type so well.
I finished my weekend chatting with my in-laws. I, unfortunately took up most of their Saturday and ruined their plans. But it was nice to see them again and just relax and get caught up. I had a great weekend with family and friends. The weather couldn't have been better as well.
I got back to town on Saturday night to spend Sunday with Rach. We decided to ride the bikes to breakfast; but first I had to swap seats and seat post to her bike. Funny thing about that, she asked me why I was on my tri bike during our ride. This is another mystery to me about women, you can bitch at us about doing something, in this case using her saddle post for my bike, yet totally forget about it 10 minutes later. I wasn't going to get upset though, she was out riding with me and we were having a great time.


EZnJ said...

Sounds like a great time with the fam-damily. By chance did you bring back any squeaky cheese? You could always bring it to Timberman this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marky-Mark! Sounds like a fun weekend. What isn't fun about some good old family fun and beer?! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Marky-Mark...send me your e-mail address. I need to e-mail you something.