Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Its Always Something....

....today's adventure started out with my morning commute via Menagerie with a brisky air temp of a balmy 27 degrees. Watching the weather prior to departing, it said a chance of rain this afternoon. The thought of grabbing the cross bike today was an option. An option that was probably better than taking Menagerie the road bike. So the morning goes on at the office as usual. Nothing exciting or out of the norm. I decide against the turkey and cheese sandwhich and apple for lunch and go with some co-workers to the food court at the EP mall. I start with chicken and brocolli with an egg roll. I wash that down with a medium Oero blizzard. Still hungry. Off to McDonalds for more food. A double quarter pounder, should have gotten the meal, but got just the sandwhich...damn tape worm. Back to the office and what appears to a pending rain storm.
As the day apporaches quieting time, its getting darker and clearly raining at this point. Not so bad, its a short 5 mile ride home. Its one of those rides thats almost not worth getting all of the spandex and riding gear on. But I am dork and dawn it anyway. Lots of wise cracks from the not so in shape co-workers and off I go. The weather isn't so bad, a little rain and what feels like sleet in the face, stings a touch...but I have no choice but to carry on. As I apply the brakes for my first big turn, the back tire fish tales and I am heading street side and in a hurry!!! I am some how able to keep the rubber on the road and am now taking a different way home. This way is a less traveled and newly paved road, so it actually worked out better. I keep on my way, now getting very wet, my shoe covers are no longer keeping my feet warm, or dry for that matter. About 2 or 3 miles from the house my back tire is getting really spongey, kind of like when you know your getting a flat. Sure enough, FLAT!! So off the bike and time to run it home. I keep my shoes clipped to the bike and start to hoof it homeward. Socks are completely soaked, feet are freezing and feel like cinder blocks. I make it home, almost biff it on the tile in the entry way, grab a beer and let the 8 of you that read this know about my day. Hope everyone else had just as much fun today!!

The bike I should have taken

1 comment:

outdoorwiththekids said...

If it was going to rain, why didn't you just take your truck?