Monday, November 3, 2008

Free Rabbit

So I had kind of a weak moment on Sunday, actually 2 of them. I would like to think that I a pretty healthy eater, concerned about weight, exercise, etc. Well, not yesterday. I made not 1 but 2 trips to McDonald's. This is a restaurant that I seldom frequent. The last time I was there I was not even sure if they still carried one of my favorite meals (if we can call them meals) from a past life. This was the #4 Value Meal. For those that do not frequent such an establishment, this is a double quarter pounder with cheese (I get it without onions), french fries and a drink of your choice. The 1st go round I had it with a Light Lemonade, yeah, like thats helping anything. The second time I got the same meal, bare in mind it was about 2 hours after the first stop, but had a chocolate shake to wash everything down. I am happy to say I could not nor wanted to finish the second purchase. I felt sick, I mean really sick. I had a headache, I stunk and everyone knows how I can tolerate a lot of smells and scents (see Smells Like Foot in Here for reference). My skin was oily, I was tired and just felt horrible. Its hard to believe that I used to eat there a few times a week and even harder to understand, at least for me, that people can eat there everyday and think its a healthy meal.

Needless to say, I am off of the fast food wagon again and back to some sense of normal eating. My body is not happy with me, if it could kick my ass, it so would.

To end this post on a good note, I got a new pet over the weekend. During a run I found a helpless little pet rabbit that was looking for a good home. It seemed to be "free" and its owners clearly wanted nothing to do with it anymore. So, below is my new pet, I just need help naming it.

He's just so cute and cuddly, how could not want to take him home with you?

He looks super fast to me, might be a new training partner!!!


outdoorwiththekids said...

Oh, he is soooo cute. You two will look so wonderful when you take him on his morning drag.

becca dalrymple said...

you are demented marv. i love it.

EZnJ said...

Micky D's and dead pet rabbits..... definitely the offseason!!!

K.Newgard said...

So much has happened in a new adventures to write about?