Thursday, February 18, 2010

"The Pacer"

I just got home from the Y and have to post this. As I got out of the pool and headed to my locker, I had to bob and weave around a guy that seemed to be lost in the rectangular shaped locker room. So as I dance around him and head to change, he follows me. He has apparently now located his brain and found his locker as well. Lucky me, right across the aisle. This is where it gets rather interesting. He starts talking to himself, he is pacing and in a borderline rant. I do my best not to look in his direction fearing he might want to have some sort of conversation with me. He's grumbling about his towel, his deodorant, really just about anything he is able to see. I am just trying to get the hell out there as quickly as I can. As I grab my bag and head for the door, he's still walking around like he is in some sort of courtroom debate and clearly work like mad to win the case! For those keeping score, he was winning. And seemed to have whatever jury he was talking to rather convinced, I just haven't seen a lot of unda-pants lawyers. Maybe he's a trend setter

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