Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Time for Everything

Well, as modern technology continues to grow and human interaction is less and less these days; I figured I should jump on the band wagon and create a blog. I thinks its a little goofy to have something posted on the Internet that is more or less shameless self promotion. But after talking to buddy of mine on the way back from a race this weekend...he informed me that its a great way to keep is parents and family members up to date on his happenings. So I thought that I would give it a shot and see what happens, plus Rachel just took off to meet her mom in Woodbury for some shopping and I don't want to mow the back yard. So here goes nothing......

This morning I got up and went out for the first of many open water swims at Lake Ann. The water temp was not bad, face was a little cold the first minute or 2 but not bad. I tried out a new wettie (wet suit, stealing the Aussie term, thanks Ry) from Jason. I have a full body sleeveless suit, and this borrowed one has sleeves. I was thinking that the shoulders might feel a little tight once I got going, but its not that bad. Plus I now have a new wettie for the season and zero cost to me. Thanks J for the use of the suit!!!

For those that don't know me and just stumbled upon this blog, I race triathlons all summer long. This is a pretty expensive sport for the none money winning athletes like any little help goes a long way.

This coming Tuesday I have my very first cycling time trial in Medina. This is an out and back 11 mile suffer fest ride. Just put your head down and go as hard as you can. Really the pain cant be that bad, can it?

I will do my best to keep this up to date as times moves forward. I hope you will like what you find and read here. If not sorry, I am new to all of this.

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